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What is the hardest tea to swallow!
Who is the coolest Doctor in the hospital?
The hip Doctor!
What do you call a pig that does karate?
Pork Chop!
I have a lot of unemployment jokes but none of them work.
Why was the piano locked out of the house?
He did not have the right key!
What do you call farm animals with a sense of humor?
Laughing Stock!
My kids were very upset when our bunnies escaped. They're too young to deal with hare loss.
I prefer communist jokes because everyone gets them.
I heard on the news that Search and Rescue had plucked 2 stranded fishermen out of the ocean and were looking for their capsized boat. I thought, Gee, how are they ever going to find something that small.
Why can't Donald Trump go to the White House anymore?
It's For-Biden.