Mosquito Killer Joke Meme
I See You And Jesus Sees You
Joke: A burglar was cruising through a posh suburb looking for an opportunity. At one house he saw a truck unloading a big-screen television, stereo, and video outfit. That night, without a moon in the sky and a heavy fog, he drove up to the house. He rang the doorbell and when no one answered, broke the lock on the kitchen door and went in. It was pitch black inside as he made his way through the kitchen, then the dining room and into the den where he expected to find the things he wanted to steal. "I see you and Jesus sees you," a voice said. The burglar froze in his tracks. "I see you and Jesus sees you," the voice said again. When nothing more happened, the burglar took out his flashlight and shined it in the direction of the voice. All he saw was a parrot on its perch. "I see you and Jesus sees you. "The burglar laughed. "Just a dumb bird," he said. The burglar closed the drapes before turning on a lamp and that's when he saw a big and mean-looking Doberman Pincher sitting beneath the parrot's perch. "Sic him, Jesus!", said the parrot.
The Worlds Shortest Fairytale
Personal Liberties
Day 9 - Social Distancing
You Momma So Fat She Fell...
You Momma Is So Fat... The Ocean
You Mama So Poor... Front Door
As Stupid As You Look Joke
Yo Momma's Breath Smells So Bad!
A Limerick From Me To You
Where Does Poo Come From?
Yo Momma Is So Fat She Has...
I Just Ate A Bunch Of Scrabble Tiles Joke
A Pilot Flying A Small Plane Joke
Joke: A pilot's flying a small, single-engined charter plane with a couple of really important execs on board. He's coming into Seattle airport, only there is thick fog, less than 10ft of visibility, and his instruments are out. So he circles around looking for a landmark. After an hour or so, he's pretty low on fuel and the passengers are getting very nervous. At last, in a small opening in the fog, he sees a tall building with one guy working alone on the fifth floor. The pilot banks the plane around and winds down the window and shouts to the guy, "Hi! Where am I?", to which the solitary office worker replies, "You're in a plane". The pilot winds up the window, executes a 275-degree turn, and proceeds to execute a perfect blind landing on the runway of the airport 5 miles away. Just as the plane stops, so does the engine as the fuel has run out. The passengers are amazed and one asks how he did it. "Simple," replies the pilot. "The answer he gave me was 100% correct but absolutely useless; therefore, that must be Microsoft's Support Office and from there the airport is just 5 miles away on a course of 87 degrees! Any questions?"
Criminal Steals A Dress For His Wife Joke
A Monkey A Squirrel And A Bird Joke
Yo Momma So Fat Her Blood Type Is...
You Momma So Dumb... Spelling Joke
Why Did The Turkey Cross The Road?
Snow Men Vs Snow Women Joke
Yo Momma Is So Fat She The Big...
Yo Momma Is So Fat When She Farts Joke
What Do The US Military And A Fart Have In Common Joke
Yo Mama So Stupid Orange Juice
Do You Think You're Stupid?
What Did The Kitten Say When Its Cat Food Was Stolen Joke
Yo Mamma So Stupid She Took A Ruler To Bed...
Fart Louder Than A Trombone Joke