Helping a person in need. Joke Meme
What Is Draculas Favorite Fruit Joke
Skeleton Go To School Joke
Where Does Dracula Get His Hair Cut Joke
What Kind Of Key Opens A Haunted House?
Monsters Favorite Play Joke
Declaration Of Independence Joke
Trick Or Treating With Twin Witches Joke
What Did Dracula Suffer From After Biting A Snowman Joke
What Do You Call Dracula When Hes Shopping For Bargains Joke
Santa’s Favorite Singer Joke
Dracula's Favorite Breed Of Dog Joke
Witches Favorite School Subject Joke
Witch Trick Or Treating Joke
Halloween Up All Night Joke
Whats Draculas Favorite Streaming Service Joke
Ghosts Are Terrible Liars Joke
Ghost Call Mom And Dad Joke
Skeleton Scary Movie Joke
Ghost Favorite Place To Live Joke
One Halloween Night....
Joke: One Halloween a man was walking down the street and heard a thumping noise behind him. Looking behind him he saw a coffin following him, upright. He was a bit nervous and began walking a little bit faster. The coffin continued, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump". He began running and the coffin kept up and began opening and closing, ""thumpety thump, thumpety thump clap, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump clap". Terrified he ran to his front door, and went inside, slamming the door and locking it. The coffin continued, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump - CRASH" it came right through the door, He ran up the stairs, and right behind him, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump clap, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump clap". He rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door, but the coffin broke through the door - "thumpety thump, thumpety thump crash". Terrified the man grabbed the first thing he could, a bottle of Robitussin and threw it - and the coffin stopped!
Egg And Easter Bunny Joke
Halloween Ghost Favorite Food Joke
National Holiday For A Nation Of Vampires Jokes
Ghost Vacation Destination Joke
Chrome Plate Joke
Joke: A man went to his dentist because he has a strange feeling in his mouth. The dentist examines him and says, "That new upper plate I put in for you six months ago is eroding. What have you been eating?" The man replies, "All I can think of is that about four months ago my wife made some asparagus and put some stuff on it that was delicious...Hollandaise sauce. I loved it so much I now put it on everything - meat, toast, fish, vegtables, everything." "Well," says the dentist, "That's probably the problem. Hollandaise sauce is made with lots of lemon juice, which is highly corrosive. It has eaten away your upper plate. I'll make you a new plate, and this time use chrome." "Why chrome?" asks the patient. To which the dentist replies, "It's simple. Everyone knows that there's no plate like chrome for the Hollandaise!"
Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Joke
Inside A Ghosts Nose Joke
Gotta Tie?
Joke: A man's car broke down in the middle of the Nullarbor plain (in other words : middle of nowhere). There was not another car in sight, so he started walking... Three hours later no cars had passed and he was getting very, very thirsty. Just then a man riding a kangaroo bounced up. "Want to buy a tie?" he asked. "No! Water - quick, help, water." "Sorry, I've only got ties." and the man and roo bounded off. Hours later, the stranded man was still staggering along - desperate now for a drink. Another man (and another kangaroo) bounded up to him. "Water, help I need water." gasped the stranded man. "Oh, wouldn't you like to buy a tie?" said the mounted man. "No! Water - quick, help water!" "Sorry mate, I can do you with a nice polka dot or a paisley or even a hand painted lady - but can't help with water." and off he went. The man was crawling now, inch by inch he clambered over the baked desert soil. Then he noticed a shimmering in the distance. It looked like a big building. He crawled slowly towards it even though he was sure it was a mirage. But the building became more and more solid looking. Could it be? Yes, it was a giant R.S.L. club there in the middle of nowhere. The man spent his last effort and crawled desperately to the door where he gasped to the doorman, "Let me in, I need water!" Sorry mate," said the doorman, "I can't let you in without a tie."
Ghost's Favorite Dessert Halloween Joke
Ghost Wife Halloween Joke
Jack-o-lantern And A Pumpkin Joke
Which Witch Watch Halloween Joke
Christmas Bakery Hideaway Joke
Ghost Are Bad Liars Halloween Joke
Christmas Is Cancelled Joke
A New Parents Favorite Christmas Carol Joke
Halloween Cowboy
Joke: One Halloween, a boy dressed up as a cowboy. He went to a house, and an elderly lady opened the door. She said, "What might you be?" and the kid in front of the boy said, "I'm an Indian! All day, I hunt buffalo and make teepees and wigwams!" and the lady gave him some candy. Then the boy was up in line. The elderly lady said, "What might you be?" and he replied, "I'm a cowboy! All-day, I round up cattle and take them to corrals!" The lady gave him some candy. So he went to the next house, and a scorching hot teenage girl opened the door. She said, "What might you be?" and the girl in front of the boy said, "I'm a lesbian. All-day I think of women, all afternoon I think of women, and all night I think of women." The teenage girl gave her some candy, and next the boy was up. The teenage girl said, "What might you be?" The boy looked her up and down, and said, "Well, I thought I was a cowboy!"
Mummy's Favorite Music Halloween Joke
Rudolph Christmas Reminder Joke
Halloween Vampire And Snowman Joke
Ghost Didn't Eat His Candy Joke
Headless Horseman Halloween Joke