This page is intended to entertain. Sit back and watch these flatulent videos of people and animals alike letting one rip. Smell you later. Check back often as we are keeping the smell fresh!
Ha hey hey hey time for a few fart jokes, where what a comedy show be without a few fart jokes?
Peter, from Family Guy, has a fart song competition with a guy in the stall next to him.
This dog gets a fart toy and when the toy simulates a fart the dog thinks that it farted and sniffs the area where it was sitting.
This girl, wearing white leggings, videos herself twerking. When she gets her twerk really going, she lets out a fart that turned out to be a little wet. Slightly more than a skidmark... it\'s a wet fart!
Cartoon fart. Meg from Family Guy farts in the bath tub.
This kid farts in class and he and his classmates can\'t stop laughing while the teacher gets more agitated and threatens to send them to the office. Classic!
This is a home video of a couple doing yoga. During an attempt at a Flying Plank pose, the girl rips a stinker. Watch as she tries to fan her face.
Classic commercial. This girl is on a blind date. She gets in the car first, and lets one rip, unaware of a couple sitting in the back seat.
Skipping rocks on ice makes the coolest sound!
This really works! You can light your farts on fire but be careful!
Watch what happens when this horse farts right in to face of the man being interviewed!