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What is a giraffe's favorite fruit?
Did you know babies are born with four kidneys?
When they grow up two of them turn into adult knees.
Why did the cow cross the road?
The grass was greener on the other side.
Just read the CEO of IKEA was appointed Prime Minister of Sweden. He's currently assembling his cabinet.
What kind of key opens a haunted house?
A spook-key!
Why did the boy eat waffles for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
His mother said he needed three square meals a day!
What did one llama say to the other llama?
Alpaca basket for our picnic.
Why did the dragon sleep all day?
He was resting up for the knight.
Why did the author put on a sweater?
He was in the middle of a rough draft.
What do you get when you cross a chef and a meteorologist?
Someone who knows how to cook up a storm!