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What was the goal of the detective duck?
To quack the case.
Why don’t zombies care about looks?
They only love you for your brains.
What's a nacho's favorite dance?
The salsa!
What do you call a football player that likes dad jokes?
A Pun-Ter.
Why did the snow plows ask for a raise?
Because they’re just scraping by.
Why shouldn't snowmen get angry?
Because if they get too heated, they have a meltdown.
What do you get if you eat onions on your beans?
Tear gas.
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs, in a pot of boiling water?
How many dancers does it take to change a light bulb?
Five! ... Six! ... Seven! ... Eight!
Why aren't dogs good dancers?
Because they have two left feet!