Ghost Wife Halloween Joke

Mummy Halloween Joke

Monster School Menu Joke

Demon Breakfast Joke

Jack-o-lantern And A Pumpkin Joke

Gang Of Ghosts Joke

Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Joke

Skeleton Halloween Joke

Monster Cooked Eggs Joke

Skeleton Travel Joke

Inside A Ghosts Nose Joke

Halloween Ghost Favorite Food Joke

Ghost Vacation Joke

Noisy Graveyard Joke

Calm Skeleton Joke

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66 Halloween Jokes Answers:

  1. You are very boo-tiful!
  2. They're afraid to unwind.
  3. Human beans, boiled legs, pickled bunions and eyes cream!
  4. Deviled eggs!
  5. Because, there was no living room!
  6. Cut it out!
  7. A haunterauge!
  8. You use a pumpkin patch.
  9. Bone-Appetite!
  10. Terri-fried!
  11. A skele-copter!
  12. Boo-gers!
  13. He couldn't handle his boo's!
  14. Boo-Berries!
  15. She couldn't spell!
  16. The Boo-hamas!
  17. Because of all the coffin-s!
  18. Because, nothing gets under their skin.