Halloween Screwdriver Costume Joke

Ghost Didn't Eat His Candy Joke

What Are Farts?

Cross Bambi And A Ghost Joke

Halloween Pumpkin Joke

Headless Horseman Halloween Joke

Mummy's Favorite Music Halloween Joke

Halloween Vampire And Snowman Joke

Ghost Are Bad Liars Halloween Joke

Halloween Skeleton Joke

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66 Halloween Jokes Answers:

  1. They only love you for your brains.
  2. Spare-ribs!
  3. He didn't have the stomach for it!
  4. Bam-Boo!
  5. They just stand on their heads and go as dirty mops.
  6. Squash!
  7. To get ahead in life.
  8. Wrap!
  9. Dayscare centers.
  10. Frostbite!
  11. Because he’s a sucker.
  12. You can see right through them.
  13. A skeleTON!