The best jokes are the ones that make you laugh out loud! We are always adding hilarious new jokes day so check back often! Looking for a specific type of joke?  We've sorted jokes base on categories.  Or, if you just want to kill some time while you're at work, check out our joke index.  Remember to vote humbs up or thumbs down on your favorite jokes.

New Joke In 22 hours

What Do Get When You Cross A Shark With A Skunk?


Because they're ALL dead.


Picking Up A Hottie Joke

Why Did The Chicken Cross Joke

Minister Without Suitcase

He becomes a Minister without Portfolio!


What Did One Cat Say To The Other Cat On The Phone

How Do You Get A Mouse To Smile

Why Did The Elephant Call The Locksmith

Because he lost his keys in his trunk!


Why Don't Crabs Share

Because they're shellfish (selfish).


Have You Heard Of The Dyslexic Cow Who Attained Enlightenment

Why Does An Elephant Have A Trunk

Because it doesn't have a glove compartment!


Why Do Gorillas Have Big Nostrils

What Animal Talks The Most

What Do You Call A Fly Without Wings

What Happens When You Cross A Bulldog With A Shih Tzu

What Do You Get When You Cross A Kangaroo And A Sheep

What Do You Get When You Cross A Snake And A Kangaroo

Carrots Are Good For Your Eyesight


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